Find the digital Topos on Whympr!


Alice Barbier

Find the digital Topos on Whympr!

Digital topos on Whympr

Whatever you do in the mountains, you've probably already had to deal with the famous topos. Guess what? Whympr offers the possibility of buying Topos Pro directly from the app. That way, you'll always have a digital version in your pocket! What is a Topo Pro? What can it do for you? In this article, we take a look at what you need to know.

Feel like hiking, climbing, ski touring or mountaineering? At the top (no pun intended 😊)!  

Whympr is all the information you need in a single app, to prepare and share your mountain and outdoor outings.

Download the free Whympr app now on the App Store and Google Play. ⛰️

What are Topos Pros?

Practical guides detailing the route, itinerary or slope to follow, topos written by mountain professionals are invaluable.

Often sold in the form of a collection for a particular sector or mountain range, topos books, indispensable though they are, are rarely ergonomic.  

To make up for this, Whympr lets you buy just one sector, one lane, or one route, which you'll find on your phone.

Valid in all seasons and for all activities, here's a short presentation of Whympr's Topos Pro.

Pro Topos on Whympr

We work in close collaboration with mountain professionals

To publish and sell a professional guidebook is to highlight the work of the authors and openers.

The appeal of community information is that it provides rapid feedback on mountain conditions, but it sometimes lacks the salutary details provided by professional topos. In the mountains, as in other fields, you need to cross-reference information to make the right decisions.

Whatever the activity, buying a topo from a bookshop is an acquired reflex for most mountaineers.

At Whympr, we've made this an essential part of the balance of our business, offering the traditional and indispensable paid topos in digital format.

Working hand-in-hand with authors and team members, we developed an offer adapted to the mobile interface. In consultation with them and their publishers, we digitized their content and integrated it into the application.

And as with a paper topo, a percentage of the price always goes to the author/editor.

Climbing route openers generally finance their work through the sale of their topos. Without the income generated by the sale of these guides, the precious studs and other markers we are delighted to encounter in the mountains would not be maintained or even installed.

What's more, identifying and describing routes, as well as updating information, are time-consuming tasks for the author.

We therefore feel it is essential to offer these topos for sale alongside the free community content.

Fanny consulting a Topo Pro

Offer the best topos for your mountain outings

As you can see, Whympr's Topos Pros are an indispensable tool for mountain sports.

Now available on iOS and Android, they take the form of different offers in our app for added convenience.

Apart from the fact that you'll no longer have to carry around a book that often feels like a brick in an already overstuffed bag, you'll also be able to buy, not the whole book, but individual chapters/sectors, and even individual itineraries.

Whympr's pro hiking and ski touring topos now offer a GPX trace of the route. Thanks to the digital format of the topo on Whympr, you'll be able to visualize your route before and during your outing.

How much do Topos Pros on Whympr cost?

- 1.99 for just one route or lane;

- 3.99 for one sector ;

- 9.99 for a whole chapter ;

- and between €19.99 and €29.99 for the complete book, depending on size.

Our Topo Pro range is growing every day, from Chamonix to the Verdon, via the Calanques, for hiking, mountaineering, climbing and ski touring.

Please note that some Topos Pros are available in English . Yes sir!

Ascent of the aiguille de la Dibona

Our friends the topos authors

Since the inception of the application, many authors have trusted us to promote their work.

- Gilles Brunot, for his climbing toposValléede l'Arve, Bornes Aravis Tome I and Tome II, Giffre Risse Foron, published by Ekiproc.

- Vincent Tornay for the Via Alpina, a multi-day alpine trek taking in all the iconic sites of the Alps, published by Rossolis.

- François Burnier, Chamonix guide, forValléede Chamonix site d'escalade, Mont-Blanc hors piste, Chamonix-Mont-Blanc ski de randonnée, and Mont-Blanc randonnée, published by Vamos.

- Didier Cassany for various hiking itineraries between the Chablais region, Italy and Switzerland, published by Olizane.

- François Damilano, Louis Laurent and Julien Désécures for Mont-Blanc Granite Tome II (alpinisme escalade), published by JMEdition.

- Brunot Clément, alias Graou, for Verdon Inté'Graal (climbing guidebook currently being digitized), published by CQFD.

Topo Pros are available for climbing, hiking, mountaineering and ski touring.

A word from Tim MacLean, founder of Whympr

"Topos Pros are at the heart of our philosophy at Whympr. We're well aware of the debates on the subject, and for our part, we're convinced that pro and community can live together, there's no need to choose one or the other. The community approach allows us to get feedback from all corners of the planet, even the most remote, and to have fresh information on the evolution of a route. But we must remain vigilant, as we know nothing about the author and the information given is often incomplete.

A professional topo, on the other hand, is worked on, checked and validated by experts, and more often than not by the fitter himself. All this work has a cost and deserves to be sold. Especially when you consider that these revenues are mainly used to maintain the routes we enjoy for free on site", Tim MacLean, founder of Whympr.

Find the Topos Pros on Whympr!

So you see, the digital Topos Pros available on Whympr give a second life to the paper topo.

The ethics and work of the authors/openers are highlighted, and relayed on a new, more practical and ergonomic platform for all mountaineers.

Taking part in the transmission of knowledge, and enabling mountaineers, climbers, skiers and others to continue dreaming of the mountains, are as much a source of inspiration for Whympr as the technical challenges it faces in its application.

Available on iOS and Android, find all the Topo Pros on your favorite app, and don't forget to share your outings with us!

See you soon on Whympr or in the mountains.

Download the free Whympr app now on the App Store and Google Play. ⛰️

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